Contributing to StashDB

Submitting fingerprints is possible with every account but adding/editing anything else requires new permissions, read below for details.

Every StashDB account is able to submit fingerprints/hashes from within the Scene Tagger view of Stash. This does not require any additional permissions. However, if you would like to add or edit any scenes/performers/studios/tags, you will need to be granted additional privileges. Keep reading to learn how to gain edit access to StashDB.

Please read the following sections carefully. Failing to follow these instructions may result in delays, rejections, or the loss of future editing privileges.

First, make sure you make an account on if you haven’t already. We can’t apply the EDIT role to an account that doesn’t exist yet. Please see our guide to Accessing StashDB if you need any help finding an invite code, registering an account, or connecting it to Stash.

You will also be required to join either Discord or Matrix. All active editors must be reachable through one or the other. This is because we have a limited comment system at this time with no direct messaging or notifications from within StashDB (this is currently being worked on so stay tuned for future updates). The Joining Discord and Matrix page includes invite links for both servers and explains a few of the differences between them.

For Discord users, we require your nickname in our server to match your StashDB username. It makes it easier for other editors to find you in case there are any questions or issues. You can either go to your user settings or type the shortcut /nick <your-new-username> into any channel of Stash’s Discord server. This will not change your username or display name outside of Stash’s Discord. You can also request an admin to change your StashDB username instead (see below).

For Matrix users, we require your display name to match your StashDB username. It makes it easier for other editors to find you in case there are any questions or issues. The process will be slightly different depending on which client you’re using. However, this will change your display name for your entire account and not just for Stash’s rooms. You can also request an admin to change your StashDB username instead (see below).

If you would like to change your StashDB username, please contact a StashDB admin on Discord/Matrix (preferably @AdultSun on Discord). You may be asked to DM the email address you used to join StashDB in order for the admin to verify your account. An admin may also ask you to pick a new username before granting edit access if there is any concern about your current username.

If we cannot reach you through StashDB comments, Discord, or Matrix, your edit rights may be revoked by an admin after repeated violations of our guidelines. But don’t worry about memorizing all of the guidelines right away. Just try to start slowly with a few submissions at a time, watch for comments or messages on Discord/Matrix, and update your edits when necessary. You can also ask in the #stashdb-general channels on Discord/Matrix if you have any questions.

Requesting edit access is not difficult. After you’ve read and followed all of the instructions above, politely ask for edit access in the #stashdb-invites channel on Discord or in the StashDB - Invites room on Matrix, provide your StashDB username, and wait patiently. Once an admin has granted edit access, they will respond with a thumbs up 👍 react or (occasionally) a direct reply. This shouldn’t take any longer than a day or two and will often happen much sooner. If you fail to follow any of these instructions, someone will direct you back to this webpage and you must try again.