How to Submit Drafts from Stash

Can create/update scenes and performers, but be sure to look on StashDB first and to generate pHashes.

You can submit drafts from within Stash to do a few different things: create a scene, create a performer, update a matched scene, and update a matched performer. They are called “drafts” because they are not final. You will still have to navigate to the draft in StashDB to double-check the edit, make any needed adjustments, and leave a helpful comment before officially submitting it for approval. Until you click that “Submit” button, the draft is only visible to you. It is also temporary, each draft will expire after 24 hours.

If you’d like to add a scene to StashDB, first make sure you have pHashes generated. It isn’t turned on by default so make sure you’ve taken care of this already. Then, use the Scene Tagger or the StashDB scraper to find any pHash matches. Be careful when selecting your match because your scene may be a remaster, redistribution, or re-release. If your particular release isn’t already on StashDB, you can add it yourself with a draft submission after your account is granted edit rights.

From within a scene’s details page, click on the three vertical dots in the top right of the details pane and select the “Submit to Stash-Box” option. Clicking the “Submit” button in the resulting dialog box will save a draft to create that scene on StashDB using the information you have saved locally. From the Drafts page, you can make any necessary changes, leave an edit comment, and finally submit your draft to be approved just like any other edit.

If you’ve already matched your scene with an entry on StashDB and have the StashID saved locally, then you can submit a draft to update the scene instead. The process is mostly the same, using the same “Submit to Stash-Box” option except this time it will add or overwrite the info of StashDB’s existing entry with the info you have saved locally. Make sure to review your draft first. If you don’t want to replace the existing thumbnail just click the “Reset Images” button in the images tab to preserve the old one. Please note that draft updates will not add missing fingerprints, you will need to use the Scene Tagger for that instead.

The same process can be used for creating and updating performers, just click the big blue “Submit to Stash-Box” button near the top of a performer’s details page in Stash.