Picking Scene Tags

Start small with “important” tags first, expand as you get more familiar with StashDB’s list.

The list of tags on StashDB is long. You don’t have to be aware of all of them. You don’t have to add every tag that possibly fits. Think of tags as an additional way to describe a scene and focus on adding tags you think are important to describing the scene in front of you. That may require relatively few tags or it could require a lot. You may as well start small and slowly expand from there as you become more familiar with the tags available on StashDB. If you have any questions about how to use a particular tag, first read its description carefully. Previous edit comments may give you more information as well. Otherwise, feel free to ask in the #ministry-of-truth channel on Discord. Also, please explain in your own edit comment where your tags are coming from, if they’re simply scraped or if you’ve added/removed some yourself.