Bulk Edits

Big projects that require a large number of edits should be pitched on Discord first for approval.

Any projects that would affect a large amount of data on StashDB and/or require a high volume of individual edits will need to be approved on Discord first by dropping a question in the #stashdb-general channel. If it’s in line with the guidelines already established on this website, then a simple “heads up” before starting may be all that is needed from you. More drastic changes may require formal approval as a guideline proposal in the #stashdb-guidelines channel on Discord. Projects that would add more than a few dozen edits into the queue at a time may need to be broken up into smaller chunks.

All of the points mentioned above apply to both manual submissions and automated submissions. However, automated submissions are only allowed with permission from an admin. This requires a special BOT role in your account before edits can be flagged as automated within the edit queue.

Violating any of these requirements could result in the loss of edit access.