Disambiguating Single Names

Performers with a single word as their primary name require disambiguation.

While we try to keep primary names unique, sometimes a single word name like Jane or John is unavoidable. Maybe they’re best known as the single name, or maybe they’ve only ever used that single name. (Please see Preferred Names for guidance on choosing a performer’s primary name.) Regardless, single-name performers must be disambiguated to avoid confusion. This is true even if there are no other performers currently known to share that name on StashDB or elsewhere. For guidance on choosing a disambiguation, please see Disambiguation Formatting.

If you are adding a disambiguation to an existing single-name performer on StashDB, please make sure that the profile is not an ambiguous catch-all entry representing multiple performers. Each performer must be split out into their own profiles as necessary before a disambiguation may be added. Please see Ambiguous Performers for more details.

Unconfirmed guideline, subject to change pending formal approval.