Diacritics in Names

Diacritics are allowed in the primary name but the name without diacritics must be included as an alias.

Diacritics are the marks added above or below a letter to indicate a difference in pronunciation. Two common examples are the acute ( ◌́ ) and the grave ( ◌̀ ). The primary name of a performer may include any of these diacritical marks but the same name without any diacritics will need to be included as an alias. This makes it easier to find them in search results. For example, Vitória Vonteese has a diacritic in her primary name but also has Vitoria Vonteese (no diacritic) as an alias.

Also, please be aware that the same considerations explained in Preferred Names still apply here. A name without diacritical marks may still be preferrable as the primary if it’s by far the most commonly used spelling for that performer, for example.

JAV Names are a notable exception to all of the above. Please see that page for more details.